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Assessing the Sustainability of Geothermal Energy

Assessing the Sustainability of Geothermal Energy

Scientists and scholars have debated and studied the sustainability of different energy resources. Other energy sources are not as efficient and sustainable as other sources. One of the sustainable and efficient sources is geothermal energy.

Geothermal energy converts the thermal energy from the Earth to an energy source everyone can use. In our seismic monitoring in Berkeley, California, geothermal energy is a better source of energy that produces less toxic emissions and promotes healthy activities for the climate. Let us examine the sustainability of geothermal energy and its impacts on the environment.

  • How does geothermal energy work?
    The geothermal industry works by locating areas that potentially have geothermal reservoirs. Geothermal reservoirs are pockets of water heated by the Earth’s deep or nearby magma reservoirs. The geothermal power plants collect the hot water underneath and cool it to produce steam. The steam generates the turbine which then produces electricity.
  • Sustainability and safety. 
    The only factor that makes geothermal energy questionable is the way it locates reservoirs. However, there are available scientific methods that can help locate reservoirs safely, like seismic tomography in Arizona. The good thing is that reservoirs underneath are renewable and contain less toxic substances for the environment. Geothermal power plants emit less carbon and do not significantly contribute to climate change.

In general, geothermal energy is safe, sustainable, and climate-friendly. We at Geothermal Seismology Group are also a trusted geological institution that can provide services to geothermal power plants and institutions. Our services, like seismic recording in California, can be beneficial to avoid hazards and complications with explorations. 

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